TMT Automotive Winter Driving FAQs
TMT staff have created a series of informative videos answering frequently asked questions about winter driving. Topics include:
- How to choose the right winter tires
- Maintaining your car battery in cold weather
- What to do if you’re stuck in a snowbank
- And more practical tips to stay safe on the road
View the videos to brush up on winter driving safety. Or click on a question below to reveal the answer.
1. What should I check on my vehicle before winter arrives?
It's essential to perform a standard maintenance inspection, which includes checking the lights, battery, brakes, tires, wipers, defroster and fluid levels. Ensure your antifreeze is at the correct ratio and that your heating system is functioning properly.
2. Do I need winter tires?
Yes, if you live in an area with significant snowfall or icy conditions, switching to winter tires is recommended. They are designed to provide better traction in cold temperatures compared to all-season tires. At least a really good all-seasoned tire with plenty of tread. Alignments & suspension inspections are important too to make sure your vehicle is safe and reliable and adverse conditions.
3. How can I ensure my battery is ready for winter?
Have your battery tested for age, strength and check for any signs of corrosion on terminals. Cold weather can reduce battery performance, so it's crucial to ensure it’s in good condition before winter. Tip, batteries do not give you any warning when they go bad. So if your battery is 4+ years old, replace it.
4. What type of windshield washer fluid should I use?
Use freeze-resistant windshield washer fluid specifically formulated for winter conditions to prevent it from freezing in the reservoir. Free fill ups anytime if you are a customer at TMT.
5. How often should I check my tire pressure in winter?
Tire pressure should be checked at least once a month, as it can drop with colder temperatures. Make sure your tires are inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure.
6. What items should be included in my winter emergency kit?
A winter emergency kit should include blankets, food, water, a flashlight, a first-aid kit, a shovel, jumper cables, and sand or cat litter for traction if stuck.
7. Is it necessary to keep my gas tank full during winter?
Yes, keeping your gas tank at least half full is advisable to prevent fuel line freeze-ups and to ensure you have enough fuel if you become stranded.
8. How can I protect my vehicle from road salt damage?
Regularly wash your car during winter months to remove road salt and prevent corrosion. Pay special attention to the undercarriage and areas where salt can accumulate.
9. What precautions should I take when driving in snowy or icy conditions?
Drive slowly, increase your following distance, avoid sudden movements with the steering wheel and brakes, and never use cruise control on slippery surfaces.
10. What should I do if my vehicle gets stuck in snow?
Stay with your vehicle for safety, use a shovel or other tools to clear snow around the tires, and use sand or kitty litter for traction if available. Keep the exhaust pipe clear of snow to prevent carbon monoxide buildup inside the vehicle.